Category: Education

Common Educational Terms: A Glossary

Are you confused when you hear educational jargon? Whether you read news articles on education, discuss your child’s progress with a teacher, or even read our blog posts, it’s almost impossible to avoid these educational words. Just like medical jargon …
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Common Grammar Questions: Ask Emily

You may remember my post on “Common English Grammar Mistakes Kids Should Avoid at All Costs,” and if so, you probably also remember my…ahem…tiny (ok, who am I kidding? Large. Very large.) rant about the word “grammar.” I still stand …
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7 Common Signs Your Child Needs Math Tutoring

Math is one of the most common subjects in which students struggle. It is important for struggling students to get help as soon as possible because learning math is a sequence of interdependent steps. One must fully understand the concepts …
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10 Free Online Reading Websites for Students

Whether you’re looking to supplement your child’s education further at home, or looking for more educational activities for your child to engage in his or her free time, the internet is a great go-to resource. However, how often do you …
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