A Grade Ahead Rounds Up Resources for Back to School!

It is hard to believe, but it is already time to return to the classroom for many students across the United States! While A Grade Ahead has a year-round curriculum, we understand the importance of taking a break. We recognize that it might be hard for students to return to the structure of school after a few months of fun in the sun! Enjoy this compilation of resources to help get your student back-to-school ready.

Consider an Enrichment Program!

An after-school enrichment program can be a great option for students. It can help both students who are already ahead, or those who are looking for a little extra help. Understand the importance of educational enrichment from these past blogs. Interested in exploring enrichment for your child? Take a free assessment with A Grade Ahead today!

Brush Up!

The more prepared a student feels about returning to school in the fall, the less anxiety they are likely to have. Whether regarding math or English, refer to what some past bloggers felt were good-to-know topics for students!

Read About It!

The importance of reading cannot be denied. This skill not only helps with English, but it also helps in the comprehension of day-to-day tasks. No matter the goal, A Grade Ahead definitely understands how crucial this skill is.

Have Fun!

Just because summer is over does not mean the fun has to stop. In fact, the transition to school can be made easier by fun games that also happen to be educational! See what A Grade Ahead has recommended below.


What do you think? Is your student ready to head back to school? What tried and true methods do you have for making the transition from summer break as smooth as possible? Do you plan to use any of our resources? We would love to hear from you in the comments!

Author: Emily Karth, Curriculum Manager at A Grade Ahead

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