Spring into Spring: Seven Ways to Celebrate the Season

Like many people, we at A Grade Ahead are so happy that spring is just around the corner! This season arrives full of promise: warmer weather, blooming blossoms, longer days, and even the hint of summer vacation. Spring can often give students the boost they need to finish out the school year strong. Whatever you love about spring, here are seven ways you can celebrate spring with your child at home!

Get Outside

After the long winter, it can feel great to get outside again for some fresh air and sunshine. When possible, dress appropriately and take a nature walk with your family. If you live near enough, you could even consider walking your child to school. During this time, brush up on some science skills and point out the changes in the surroundings as spring begins and slowly turns to summer. This might include the changing of the leaves on trees, or even the different animals you see while out and about!

Dive into a Book

Especially in early spring, the weather may not always be the best for exploring outdoors. That doesn’t mean that adventure cannot be found, though! Take a trip to the library and find some spring-themed books that you can read with your child. What they learn will be underscored by what they experience in nature later. Reading will also practice comprehension: a vital skill for English!

Explore Local Produce

Many farmer’s markets begin opening in the spring. This is a wonderful way to support local farmers and buy delicious, nutritious food for your family. Allow your child to explore and sample new things. Celebrate what is in season where you live and be inspired by these ingredients. Attempt to get into the kitchen with your child and create new recipes based on what you find. Paying for items at the market, as well as measuring in the kitchen, are also great for practicing real-life math skills!

Grow a Garden

Maybe your child is completely inspired by the farmer’s market and wants to experience it all the time. Spring is a great time to start your own garden! Allow your child to pick which plants they would like to grow. Follow their progress as they transform from sprout to full-grown fruit, vegetable, or herb. Your child will likely love picking produce from their own yard. They may even be encouraged to try foods they were hesitant to give a chance in the past.

Prep for Tests

Spring is often the time students take standardized tests in school. To prepare for these, consider signing up for an enrichment program that will help them perform at their best. At A Grade Ahead, we offer a whole month dedicated to preparing for tests. Consider joining today, and take a free assessment!

Get Crafting

The different seasons offer a great opportunity for expression through arts and crafts. Maybe your child wants to create something based on what they have seen while exploring outside (butterflies, birds, etc.). Maybe they want to create their very own fruits and veggies out of craft supplies and make an indoor farmer’s market! Whatever they want to make, a simple internet search can help you find the tools you need. It may even give you inspiration for something you weren’t considering before!

Think Summer

Time flies when you’re having fun! Summer will be here before we know it, and it is never too early to start making plans. If you haven’t before, consider a summer or enrichment camp for your child. These can be both fun and educational. They are engaging while also keeping your child’s brain sharp during a season where skills can be forgotten. A Grade Ahead offers several great options. See if they are available in your area!

What do you think? How are you planning to spring into spring at your house? Which of the options above would your child enjoy the most? Do you have other ideas? We would love to hear from you in the comments!


Author: Emily Karth, Curriculum Manager at A Grade Ahead, Inc.


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