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Funny Things Enrichment Teachers Have Heard

With the school year swiftly approaching (or upon us in some cases!), we may be finding it hard to let go of the carefree days of summer in order to take hold of the somewhat more structured school days (and …
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10 Back-to-school Tips for Parents

It may seem like summer has just begun, but the beginning of the next school year is just around the corner!  This can be a hectic time of year, so to help ease the transition from the easy-going world of …
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MathWizard Educational Camps: Summer Camps 2016

June and July were busy months for students attending Mathwizard’s educational camps.  Three different camps, each aligning entertainment and learning on a specific subject, gave students in grades 2-6 the opportunity to stimulate their brains and get out of their …
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10 Tips to Encourage Your Child to Read More

In this day in age, with instant information at our fingertips with the click of a mouse, and with more television and movies than we could ever possibly watch thanks to streaming services, this age-old question seems more relevant than …
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Favorite Educational Quotes from MathWizard Blog Writers

Why do MathWizard’s writers like quotes so much? Who knows? Maybe, it’s because we write all the time. Maybe, it’s a teacher thing. Maybe, there’s something in the water. Whatever the reason, we all have our favorite educational quotes. Here are our …
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