Latest Articles / Page 32

Should Students Have Homework over Winter Break?

For many families, winter break is a time to relax, have fun, and spend some quality time together. Both parents and children relish in the break they have outside of their academic and professional lives. However, sometimes during the winter …
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How Painting Helps a Child’s Development

A child’s playtime is an essential part of his or her development. Making painting part of that playtime, or even part of daily learning, is tremendously beneficial. Art and painting can aid in a child’s emotional, mental, social, and physical …
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How Can I Help My Child Catch up in School?

The first day of school has come and gone, and in these last few months, you may have watched your child struggle with homework or had reports from teachers about his or her trouble focusing in class. That struggle has …
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Meet Yogini Patel, Owner of A Grade Ahead of Smyrna, GA

Name Yogini Patel Family My family is comprised of my husband, Manish, and daughters, Shriya (15) and Riddhi (7) Franchise Location Smyrna, Georgia Educational Background What schools did you attend and where? I attended school in Zambia. What teacher or …
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The Importance of Comprehension Skills in Learning

What does “comprehension” mean? Comprehension goes beyond reading the text on the page – it involves finding meaning in the text and being able to summarize, reiterate, and apply what has been read. Successful reading comprehension requires text comprehension, vocabulary …
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