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How Standardized Lessons Improve Enrichment Classes

The word “standardized” sometimes gets a bad rap in the education world because making everything the same can seem negative when dealing with students. We all know students are different and should be taught differently. But just because something is …
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What’s New at A Grade Ahead? January 2018

A Grade Ahead ended 2017 with a flurry of activities. The corporate office and central Ohio academies raised money through a Change for Puerto Rico campaign. Our central Ohio students participated in a trial of a new online system used …
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How Can I Help My Child with Math at Home?

As a parent, you want what is best for your child. You would do whatever it takes to help him or her succeed, especially in the classroom. You are willing to help and support your child and go above and …
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Outdoor Winter Safety Tips for Kids

Winter is thoroughly upon us, and kids are hoping for a snowy day so that they can get out and enjoy winter activities.  Whether they are building snow forts, sledding, skiing, ice skating, or doing other winter activities, knowing outdoor …
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Why English Tutoring Should Include Reading

English is not an easy language to learn – not well anyway. Although we teach many rules for it, English breaks those rules often and repeatedly. That makes it difficult not only to learn English but also to tutor it, …
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The Educational Benefits of Toys

With seemingly endless opportunities (birthdays, holidays, ahem…grandparents) for children to constantly be acquiring more stuff, parents everywhere are probably saying, “enough already!” However, as frustrating as toys can be sometimes, and especially when they are scattered everywhere around the house, …
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