Category: Resources

Why Should Students Learn to Factor Over the Integers?

It’s hard to explain. Honestly, when people ask, “Why should students learn to factor over the integers? Can’t they use the quadratic formula instead?” I can’t just say, “Factoring is faster.” Because it isn’t – yet. Not at first. You …
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8 Board Games for English Practice

As we have discussed on this blog many times, English is hard! We spend a lot of time discussing tips and tricks, writing strategies and grammar skills – the list goes on and on. And that’s great! But sometimes it’s …
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Why to Start English Lessons Early

Starting English lessons early gives students an opportunity to engage in vocabulary building, grammar skills, and writing.  In turn, this will help them strengthen their understanding of the content when they become readers as well as making real world connections …
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To-Do List for College Freshmen

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into your college or university of choice! You’ve done all the hard work of passing your college entrance exams, filling out your applications, and writing a ton of personalized essays to pique the interests of college …
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Why Is Math Different Now?

It’s pretty common to hear an adult say something like, “That’s not the way I learned to do that,” when kids try to explain what they’ve learned in math class. Particularly when they need some help to figure out the …
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7 Creative Ways to Improve Studying at Home

Close your eyes and picture someone studying for an upcoming test.  What do you see? Most likely a child, sitting at a desk with his or her notes scattered everywhere. The child is probably tired, bored, and possibly a little …
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