Category: Education

Let’s Get Organized!

Getting students to clean their rooms, lockers, and school bags is one of the greatest challenges facing parents. If students cannot find their assignments, they cannot turn them in. It is all too easy to lose time searching for your …
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Explore Unconventional Education: Minecraft

Here at A Grade Ahead, we’re proud to provide your child with educational enrichment that can push their skills to new heights. While our programs can help students excel, there are other fantastic sources of learning hiding in places you …
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Seven Suggestions to Beat the Summer Slump

While it may seem like it was only yesterday that your child was itching to be out of school for the summer, you may find that as we hit its midway point, you are being bombarded by phrases like “I’m …
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2023 Summer Reading Recommendations

As the school year comes to a close, you might be wondering how to keep your child’s mind busy this summer. Your child might even have come home with a reading log to complete over the summer. While some kids …
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What’s Happening at A Grade Ahead?

The New School Year Starts on June 5th! As the days get longer and the weather turns warmer, A Grade Ahead of Central Ohio’s teachers and administrative staff are getting ready for another wonderful year of learning. The new school …
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