Read Across America Day 2017

children reading read across america day 2017You’re never too old to curl up with a good book! Open up that book you’ve been wanting to read, or if you can’t think of one, pull out your old favorite children’s book!

A favorite for many were the works of Dr. Seuss. In honor of this beloved children’s book author, the National Education Association created Read Across America Day! We celebrate this day on March 2, which was Dr. Seuss’ birthday!

What is Read Across America Day?

Many teachers throughout America celebrate Read Across America Day! It’s a great way to really honor one of the nation’s greatest authors, as well as encourage children to read. There are many helpful sites to give teachers ideas, like You can also find out about events that are held for Read Across America. Many teachers make pleges of how they will encourage reading across America! There are already a couple of pledges in Columbus, Ohio, among other places across the US, which can be found on Read Across America’s pledge page.

More About Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss is a beloved children’s book writer. He was born March 2, 1904 and lived until he was 87 years old! He went to school to be a professor of English, and while his notebooks showed some notes on what he was studying, it showed many more doodles. He struggled for many years while he tried to establish himself as a cartoonist, before he landed a career in advertising. He was under contract that didn’t allow him to write anything else, but did not exclude children’s books. This was how he became an author for kids! He did not have children of his own, but was passionate about writing for them! Dr. Seuss lead a very fascinating life, much of it detailed on

Read Across America Day Activities

Read Across America Day was designed to spread and help create a lifelong love of learning! Teachers, parents, and caregivers are encouraged to read with children, and also read themselves! In our modern world with so many amazing technological advancements, we sometimes forget to stop and appreciate the little things. There’s nothing like the feeling of losing yourself in a good book! So, what can you do? In the words of the great Dr. Seuss, “You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child!”

Go to a library, school, or daycare and volunteer to read to the students. Making bookmarks with the children is a great fun and easy activity. Just cut out small strips of construction paper, have the children decorate them, and they’ve got a functional bookmark! You can even donate old or unused books! There are several donation opportunities, such as Kids Need To Read, or even your local Goodwill. Many schools and daycares also appreciate generous book donations!

Or, if you’d rather keep it closer to home, spend an extra few minutes reading with your children. Show them how the words correlate with the pictures and spread your love of reading onto them! It’s a way to bond, to strengthen reading skills, and to remember the great Dr. Seuss!  Take the pledge and get reading, America!

So, what will you do for Read Across America Day?

Author: Serena Strobel, Teacher and Writer at A Grade Ahead.

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