Creative Writing Corner: Approaching the Finish Line

Here at A Grade Ahead, we’re proud to provide your child with educational enrichment that can push their skills to new heights. An amazing way for students to excel and stretch their skills is to engage in creative writing projects. However, the process of exploring the field of creative writing can feel like attempting to climb a daunting mountain. Never fear, intrepid explorers! Welcome back to the Creative Writing Corner, where we explore the benefits of and steps to engaging in free writing projects. Last time, we discussed the rough draft process and elements of revision. Now, let’s set off back on our creative climb!

The Final Steps!

Proofreading Power!

Of course, once you’ve reached this point in your journey, you have already done some editing as part of your revisions. But there is still a little more to be done. It’s time to proofread! While this step takes another look at grammar and structure, here you really want to really hyperfocus on editing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. With everything finally in place where you want it, now you need to get the writing to its maximum potential. Polish that piece until it shines!

Did you know that A Grade Ahead begins to focus on the writing process, including editing and proofreading, as early as 3rd grade? It is all a part of our English Enrichment Program. Contact an academy near you, or take a free assessment today to get started!

Reach the Peak with Publishing!

The journey may have been long and tough, but the goal is in sight. It’s time for the final push to reach the peak of the writing mountain! Publishing is the last step that allows you to take all of the hard work you have done and make it available for others to enjoy. The amazing thing about publishing is that there are many ways to do it! While most people think of publishing as getting a book printed and sold in stores, that’s not the only option. For most people, publishing can be something simple. Here are a few options:

  • Print out your writing and put it in a binder to share with your friends and family.
  • Share your writing on a website (with your parents’ help, of course!) where others can read it and give their feedback.
  • Reach for the stars and enter your writing into contests, or submit it to be featured in publications.

No matter what method you choose, publishing is a way to show off your work and get people to respond to it. Of course, there’s always more to learn. Take the feedback you get and use it to improve on your next project.

Is your student interested in writing? Beyond our enrichment programs, A Grade Ahead also offers enrichment camps! See if your local academy is offering Time Traveler Tales, an enjoyable camp combining both history and writing.

Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey in the Creative Writing Corner. If you ever need to take the trip again, A Grade Ahead will be here to guide you along the way!

What do you think? Do you enjoy writing? What is your favorite part of the process, or your favorite piece you have written? Have you ever entered into or won any writing contests? We would love to hear from you in the comments!

Author: Jackie Aukerman, Content Creator at A Grade Ahead


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