Category: Education

Favorite Educational Quotes from MathWizard Blog Writers

Why do MathWizard’s writers like quotes so much? Who knows? Maybe, it’s because we write all the time. Maybe, it’s a teacher thing. Maybe, there’s something in the water. Whatever the reason, we all have our favorite educational quotes. Here are our …
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Common Core Myths and Facts

The Common Core State Standards often receive negative attention from news outlets, politicians, and parents. Often, this negative attention stems from assumptions about the Common Core Standards that are simply not true. I explained what the Common Core Math and …
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How to Prepare My Child for Preschool

Enrolling your child in a preschool is a great way to prepare your child for kindergarten. When you do so, preschool will be his or her first experience in a new learning environment and atmosphere. This will also be the …
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How to Keep Kids Learning Over the Summer

The first day of summer is June 20, and by this point, your child is probably already knee-deep in his or her summer break.  At this time of year, many parents find themselves faced with a dilemma: do they give their children …
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Father’s Day Drawings from MathWizard Students

Father’s Day             Happy Father’s Day to all of our dads!  This year, we wanted to take a moment to talk about where Father’s Day comes from and show what our students think about their dads.             Father’s Day dates …
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Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

Starting kindergarten will be one of the biggest milestones of your child’s life—it will also be one of the biggest milestones in your parenting life. Kissing your child goodbye on that first day of kindergarten will not only be a …
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Should Your Child Take Geometry This Summer?

   Should Your Child Take Geometry This Summer? 4 Questions to Ask First I teach Algebra and Geometry at an educational enrichment company that focuses on helping students excel, so I get questions like this frequently from both parents and …
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What is STEAM in Education?

What is STEAM in Education?

In the field of education, while STEM topics—science, technology, engineering, and math—play fairly visible roles in students’ instruction, another subject is gaining a better grip on K-12 teaching philosophy and turning the STEM concept into the more well-rounded STEAM education. …
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