A Grade Ahead’s Creative Writing Corner: First Steps

Here at A Grade Ahead, we’re proud to provide your child with educational enrichment that can push their skills to new heights. An amazing way for students to excel and stretch their skills is to engage in creative writing projects! However, the field of creative writing, or English in general, can seem like a daunting mountain. Never fear, intrepid explorer! Welcome to the “Creative Writing Corner,” where we will explore the how-tos and benefits of creative writing. As with anything, the first steps are so important. Here are some tips to get your young learner on the path to creative greatness!

Getting Started with Creative Writing!

Always Be Reading!

The first step to creative writing is reading? You bet! Exposure to a variety of authors, viewpoints, and styles of writing allow future writers to form a deep well to draw from when it comes to their own projects. A good writer knows that it is important to broaden their horizons in many different directions and to continue to do so throughout their writing career. Do you want to ensure that your child reads regularly? Take a free assessment today! Our English program explores a variety of texts from many different genres. It educates students on the resources they can benefit from on their writing journeys.

Brew up a Brainstorm!

When it comes to creative writing, preparation is key! “Brainstorming” is a blanket term for planning, freewriting, and various other exercises that make up the preparatory step to any good writing venture. There are many ways you can conjure your own brainstorm, from writing webs to mapping out associated words. Brainstorming can be used to develop plot, characters, setting, and conflict all before you begin to delve properly into the writing process! Need more brainstorming in your student’s life? A Grade Ahead starts teaching this concept as early as 3rd grade!

Ready! Set! Write!

One of the hardest steps when it comes to creative writing projects might surprise you. It is to actually start writing! Believe it or not, actually starting is often one of the hardest parts of any project. With your variety of sources to reflect upon, as well as your brainstorming in hand, The only thing left will be to write that first word. At this stage, you shouldn’t be concerning yourself with grammar, spelling, or editing. That will all come later. What matters for now is that you are getting those wonderful ideas down on the page. The rest will fall into place when the time is right! Are you looking for a way to immerse your student in writing and more? See if an A Grade Ahead Academy is hosting our enrichment campTime Traveler Tales – at a location near you. This camp combines both history and writing into a week of learning fun!

That’s all the time we have now in the Creative Writing Corner. Don’t worry, we’ll be back in the future with more tips and tricks for how your student can maximize their skills. In the meantime, check out our amazing programs for more ways you can improve your child’s skills and maximize their school performance!


Author: Jackie Aukerman, Curriculum Creator at A Grade Ahead


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