Here at A Grade Ahead, we’re always guiding students to improve their writing skills in our programs. There are plenty of fun ways to cultivate these lessons outside of the classroom. One of my favorites is letter writing. Here are some of the great benefits of writing letters to your friends and family.
Developing Your Writing Skills
A crucial skill you can learn from letter writing is structure. Whether you’re writing a narrative, essay, memo, or something else, being able to organize your thoughts cohesively will be important for any college degree and any career. It’s a hugely versatile skill!
Letter writing is a great supplement to A Grade Ahead’s English programs. A Grade Ahead teaches language, grammar, and other critical skills. From writing short stories to narrative prose constructed responses and more, all the curriculum encourages fun and creativity.
A Grade Ahead also teaches new vocabulary words every week. Writing is a chance for students to incorporate those words into their day-to-day vocabulary, so they don’t forget them.
Writing letters is a great way to stay in touch with people and keep them up to date on your life. If someone important to you lives far away, sending letters back and forth can strengthen your relationship. For that reason, I have a few pen pals, including my mom! Even if someone lives in the same house as you, sliding a letter under their door can be just as fun. And you don’t have to pay for stamps!
Writing is also an emotional outlet. Telling someone about what’s going on can help you to enjoy the good days and get through the rough ones.
Did you know that A Grade Ahead teaches letter writing in our English classes, such as 5th Grade English? Take a free assessment to get started today!
When you’re ready to give letter writing a try, set up shop first! Put a box of markers or colored pencils in the middle of the table. Find any stickers, stamps, photos, or other craft supplies lying around that can fit in an envelope. Consider buying fun stationery or making your own. Colors and creativity are for all ages!
Even if your little ones aren’t old enough to write, they can get in on the fun too. Prompt them to color pictures to send to family members.
Write Together!
Encourage your family to join you. Write at the kitchen table or in another group space, so that you can all share in the creative fun together.
So much good comes from letter writing. Beyond the practical benefits, it’s also just so much fun to get a handwritten letter in the mail.
Is your child interested in creative writing? See if an A Grade Ahead Academy near you is offering Time Traveler Tales, or one of our other fun enrichment camps, in your area!
What do you think? Do you enjoy writing or receiving letters? Is there anyone you already exchange letters with? Let us know in the comments. If not, see if you can find yourself a pen pal!
Author: Grace Heberling, Teacher at A Grade Ahead