How to Find Good Books to Read: 5 Helpful Tips

How to Find Good Books to Read: 5 Helpful TipsMaybe you’ve finally encouraged your child to read more, or maybe your child has always been a reader. Excellent! But now what? I have loved reading for as long as I can remember, and to this day I still struggle with finding my next great read. In hopes of keeping the momentum going, however, I have compiled a list of five helpful tips for how to find good books to read in hopes that it will lead you to your next page-turner.

5 Tips for Finding a Great Book

 1. Know What You Like (and Don’t Like!)

Just because a book is on the bestseller list, doesn’t meant that you will think it’s best. Know generally what you like in a book, and look for books that fit those preferences. Don’t be too strict with yourself, though! Keep an open mind, and you never know what book you might end up loving.

2. Ask the Experts.

Who qualifies as an expert, you might ask? Well, it could be anyone! Librarians certainly come to mind as people who would love to help you find your next read. And in many cases, libraries even have sections where librarians have selected their favorite books as suggestions. However, the wonderful thing about reading is that there is no true “expert” on the subject. Ask anyone you like for suggestions – especially someone who has similar tastes in books as you.  

3. There’s Probably an App for That.

Apps like Goodreads are great places to find real-world reviews and suggestions for your next book. They can also help you keep track of books you have already read, as well as books you would love to read in the future! And don’t forget about the internet! A simple Google search can yield numerous suggestions for books you are almost sure to love. Want something a little more specific? Try This site will give you suggestions for books based on those you have already read and loved.

4. Lose Yourself in the Library.

Some of the best books I have read are ones I discovered on a trip to the library when I wasn’t in any hurry. Just wandering the stacks and finding something different and interesting has led me to try books and authors I may never have discovered otherwise! The next time you find yourself with an hour or so to spare, why not head to your library and see for yourself what it has to offer.

5. If You Want Something Done Right, Do it Yourself.

For the ambitious reader among us, why not trying your hand at writing your own book? After all, you know what you like, and the best way to read something you love is to write it yourself. Just promise me if you do this, I get some credit, alright? (Only kidding!)

What do you think? Have you or your children used any of these tips for finding a great book? Do you have any of your own tips? What books do you love to read in your family? We would love to hear from you in the comments!

Author: Emily Karth, Writer and Teacher at A Grade Ahead.

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